about me

My name is Miles Christopher Alexander Manley, I am currently 17 years old and was born to a Russian mother and British Father on the 26th of March 2002. I grew up in the UK and attended Culford School for 14 years. At 12 years of age I started a little computer "business" buying and selling parts, reselling old systems after refurbishing them up etc. At around 13 years I hard my first encounter with Blockchain and Bitcoin. In late 2016 I sold most of my old computer stock and built a little GPU mine, 100 or so of the GTX 1060 3GB cards. In January of 2018, I was in my last year of GCSEs and founded Zel. So far Zel has been my full time project for the last year and a bit, working with awesome people on awesome things :)

(this needs rewritting but will do for now) / This website is under construction.

S o m e t h i n g ♥️ 🛩 🌍 🇬🇧 🇷🇺

what I do

past, present and future?

Founder and CEO

Zel Technologies .GmbH

Zel is a tech company that builds things and makes stuff. I spend pretty much all of my time on Zel. Not only the Zel Network, it's crypto Zel but ZelCore, Zel ID and more.

Child in charge


MKS was a small "business" of sorts that built and refurbished desktop computers, it still exists in name of anything I do that is not under Zel and not personally milesmanley.

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